The Breakdown of Astrology and Why You Should Listen
There has been many talks of the controversial yet intriguing guide into Astrology. However, before we get into the juicy clarifications of its’ kind; my mission here is to completely breakdown your beliefs and views of Astrology itself and build them back up with eye-opening and factual information of the study itself.
What the hell is Astrology?! Why the f*ck should you listen to me? Is there Merit for such topic of discussion? My answer is simple. We’re all evolving, progressing and breaking through the barriers of past limited and hindering beliefs. Through astrology, you are essentially learning more about yourself; why you act the way you do, how your actions are influenced by transits and your capability to be open-minded to such avenues of dialogue. No, I’m not talking about daily horoscopes (which gave astrology a bad reputation). Unfortunately, daily astrology horoscopes were created in hopes of making the study itself, mainstream. However, it backfired greatly, only to consume people with the beliefs of “astrology is NOT real, it’s a joke”… No, daily horoscopes are a joke, lol.
Back to the topic of discussion, why should you listen to me in the first place? I’m not going to try to win you over by telling you what you SHOULD believe. I’m merely suggesting you to rethink and revise your beliefs on astrology through research, reading and experience. Then, apply it as you go about your daily life. Let’s clearly define Astrology: “the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.”
Woah, a lot of big words were used in that proper definition. In short, it’s the study of planets, stars, and astrological configurations in the sky and how it affects you personally. Think of it this way; you know how the moon affects the tides on various beaches that we frequent? That is exactly how astrology works. Now, this may get very confusing for some so I will try my best to explain this in the most comprehensive way possible. If all else fails, leave a comment with your question for further understanding. In the coming articles of astrology that I will be covering, will be more in-depth of the study itself. The article you’re currently taking into consideration at the moment is merely an Intro on what the hell it is (I’m not excusing my french, either).
From now on, I highly suggest you ditch the daily horoscopes and familiarize yourself with the term Natal Chart aka Birth Chart. Ok Nova, you’ve got me this far… explain this sh*t to me.
“An astrology birth chart—also called an astrology natal chart—is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun (from our vantage point on earth) at the exact moment you were born. An astrology chart reading can reveal your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities for soul growth, the best timing for your most important moves.”
Many people love to validate their actions and personality by their Sun Sign. I.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Those are the 12 definite signs that essentially map out the blue print of astrology.
Now, many of you may resonate with your sun sign, as it is the beginning point of your personality and life path. Moreover, you have a natal chart, that contains various signs, aspects and transits that you will go through which affect your daily life. I’m going to leave it at that for today. My homework for you is to go to and look for the free natal chart service. Enter your birth details and it will present to you your birth chart, to better understand your psychological makeup and how it affects you personally. We’ll get into the planets and various aspects of what makes up astrology in the coming articles. Welcome to the magickal world of Astrology!
Writer: Nova Grandeur @NovasGrandeur