The True Meaning of Courage

As cliche as it may sound—courage is seldom discussed amongst our younger generations. Thus, I often find that they grow up a bit weary in their demeanor, specifically in situations where they are being called to have courage in the face of opposition.

Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one; the strength in the face of grief or pain. Simply put, bravery.

Courage and the act of such is an important quality that we must inherent sooner or later. It is vital to our mental and spiritual progression—staying true to ourselves and standing up for our convictions despite those who willingly challenge us just for the sake of doing so. However those who do, play an important part in helping us tap into our strength—for which we should ultimately thank them for the role they played in challenging us to be definite in our resolve.

It is the audacity to do what is moral; the determination to preservere above all else and the fortitude to keep going—never giving up, despite your circumstances. You see, giving up and giving in, is the easy way out that only puts one at their detriment. I’ve learned a great deal from each person who has played a role in my life and i’ve observed each one closely. The ones who’ve pushed me to keep going; ones who taught me that it is not okay to continue destructive behavior and those who have chosen the easy way out… running, hiding, blaming and not taking accountability for their actions and circumstances. I’ve analyzed everyone and their actions have taught me a wealth of knowledge.

However, the greatest form of courage is that despite all the negativity we face on a daily basis, despite those who come for us out of revenge, resentment, anger and hatred—is to remain true to ourselves, to not let those characters tarnish the compassion, forgiveness, love and willingness to do what is right above getting back at them for the sake of gratification. True courage is the willingness to remain morally-sound, honest not only to ourselves but others; to not let the negativity make us bitter, but rather become better.

It is our resolution that guides us to courage—defeating and rising above the pain, grief, sorrow and anger. Social media is deceiving—I’ve had plenty of people reaching out to me asking:

“How did you get there?”

“How are you able to remain so happy all the time?”

“How have you attained success at such a young age?” etc.

Truth be told, I have my inner demons and battles I overcome each day. People, places and situations are constantly replaying in my head every day yet I do not let that steer me off track. I do not let it overcome me in such a way that leads to my downfall, for I know that my strength and drive to become better each day is too great. I am not perfect nor do I ever wish to be—however, my role here is simply to share my story, trials and tribulations and how i’ve navigated along the way. My mistakes, choices, decisions, and greatest feats amongst opposition. Everything may look beautiful on the outside, yet no one truly knows the battles and situations i’ve had to endure and overcome to get to where I am at today—and it is never-ending. That is simply life.

I have had many moments where I’ve wanted to give everything up. So many times i’ve just wanted to end my life, to run away, to hide and never be seen again. I am not one to open up and share with the world my inner being. Yet, I know that God has put me in the position to where He strongly encourages to do so, for He knows I am not the only one battling my circumstances. I am a soldier, a fighter, and stand up for my convictions at all costs.

I battle Major Depression, Panic Disorder and Severe anxiety everyday, since I was a young child. For so long I was frightened to share this information with anyone, especially the world. I was so scared of being judged, ridiculed and cast out by those who may or may not understand; those who rejoice in knowing my pain and the battles I face each day. However, each day by the hand of the Lord above, I overcome all.

If you take anything away from my words today; know that I have my own demons and battles I face and deal with every single day. I am not afraid of who I am anymore nor the circumstances that have shaped me into the woman I am today. I am fearless above all opposition and negativity I’ve faced and will continue to face throughout this lifetime. I still have much work to do internally, however, it has taught me the true meaning of courage.

Writer: Nova Grandeur @NovasGrandeur


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