Fitness Intro #GrandeurFitness Vol.1

From overweight to lean and cut, fitness has changed my life mentally, physically and spiritually. It is much more than exercising my body; it’s primarily the changes i’ve made within my diet that has truly warped me into cutting fat, building muscle and leaning it out. Fitness (from my journey) is not only a physical act. Mental Fitness should be your primary concern in regards to living a healthier lifestyle.

Physical Fitness and Mental Fitness is the key.

Before I elaborate on how Physical and Mental fitness correlate with each other; i’m going to share some basics on my physical fitness routine and how to efficiently make it a habit in your daily life. First, make it a habit—this is something you need to do in order to execute a substantial fitness routine. Studies show that habits typically form on or about 21 days of repetitive action in order for it to become a long-term routine. In doing so, once you form this habit, you will begin to feel a need to keep going. Lets get into the basics of forming a Fitness Routine.

Clean your diet before anything else—a big part of changing your life mentally, spiritually and physically is making a conscious decision to not treat your body like a trash can (you know what I mean; junk). Focusing on the nutritional aspect before getting into the gym is a part of Mental Fitness—training your mind to make conscious decisions on what to include in your diet. You will begin to feel much better physically and mentally as those unnecessary chemicals, GMOs and overwhelmingly harmful ingredients get out of your system. Our diet has an ENORMOUS effect on how we think and feel. Taking this into consideration will surely aid you in your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Once you’ve incorporated this into your routine, take daily notes on what you eat and how you feel. This is a wonderful way to track your progress and see what works for you. Notice how your body and mental attitude reacts to your nutritional changes—please keep this in mind.

Mind-Muscle Connection

What is that?

It is essentially the effect of developing a mental link with certain muscle groups which can be a process but with time and patience, surely pays off with great rewards. Arnold Schwarzenegger stated that taking into account Mind-Muscle Connection is how to maximize muscle development.

It’s extremely crucial to develop a strong Mind-Muscle Connection—this is where you visualize the muscle being trained and feel the muscle working through a complete range of motions during each repetition. Research has shown that Mind-Muscle Connection drastically improves muscle formation.

“Rather than thinking about where you feel muscular stimulus, think about where you’re supposed to feel the stimulus… Concentrated effort increases neural activation to the intended musculature.”

In GrandeurFitness’s next article we’ll cover the physical aspect of forming a fitness routine and making it a habit.

Writer: Nova Grandeur @NovasGrandeur


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